dijous, 18 de maig del 2017


A STRUCTURES is a type of effort that can suport a lot of force. It can be an easy way to move to one place to another, to see a realy good lanscapes, to protect...

There are TWO types of structures:
-NATURAL: is all the structures that had formed without any help and any person had do it, for example the rivers or the spider web, etc.
-MAN-MADE: is all the structures that had formed the people to protect them, to live on it, etc.

There are different types of man made structures, one is the scultures the people so scultures to do an honor to someone or other things..., then there are the ones the people live there. The structures that te people do to protect them are walls that ara between a country to another or the ones that protect them of the rivers

The most amazing structure that I like is the effel tower, because is really tall and had a lot of heavy material and at night is more amazing because the lights of the tower turns on and is beautiful.
And for me is almost the most amaizing structure because apart ofhe heavy material, it had passed a lot of time after be build, and it reasist a lot of people.

A force can be a physical power, or intensitive... for example if someone wants to open a door the person has to do a certain force to open it, but in the case of the structures, tha material used to do it, are doing forceone to each other to mantain the strucure up.