Technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools, processing actions and extracting of materials. Technology also an application to solve a problem.
Technology is helping us or it's solving our problems or covering our needs. For example:
- Hand watch: This is a type of technology which is used to see the hour, in a certain moment. Some people buy this type of watch, becase vthey like the punctuality and if we need know thw hour, we can see, when we want.
- Hair iron: This is a type of technology which is used to have straight hair. A lot of girls have this in their house, because they want be beautiful and perfect.
- Computer: This is a type of technology which is used to search information or to comunicate with other people that is in an other country. A lot of people have it, because in the school the teachers ask to the students to did projects or did the homework with the computer; the adults, in their work, some of them did all htheir work with computer; and we can know whatever.
- Transport(cars,motorcyrcles...): This is a type of technology which is used to transport something or someone. The people needs something to move to on place to an other but with long distances, because they need went for worki, or tio know more places for the world, or went to study.
Here you will find the mind map of the technological process:
In the written project need appear:
1. A cover with a titlr, name and second name of the student, the group, subject and the curse.
2. Contens page
3. Analysis of the problem and initial conditions
4. Research of information
5. Possible solutions
6. Sketch
7. Materials
8. Planning
9. Budget
I think that we need did the written project, when we need to present a project.
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