dilluns, 5 de desembre del 2016


In present times, our capabilities can  massively augmented by machines. While being able to simply ask the machine for what you need gives you some results, knowing how to clearly tell it what to do can give you more personalised results and make any automatable tasks easier to automate.

People that now is famous for programming, is becuse they learned since young. Now they know more than after but now they like it more and they enjoyed more. 
 Maybe some people that now is famous for programming MAYBE someone had done to them bullying and now they are famous because they have not surroundered in this all time.

Now in the school we are trying to move something or someone on the computer. People in my class had done it realy well and they now how to do it, but me it had been a little bit difficult, because I only use the computer for write redactions, or listen music...and this is one type of thing that I don't now how to do it. The teacher said we had to did two, but the first that I done, looks very good but I can't uploaded on the page that the teacher said, and this had a realy importance, and now I don't know how to do it.

Hour of code is an hour-long introduction to Computer Science, designed to show that everyone can learn to program and understand the basic fundamentals of the discipline. 
In your school, high school or town you can did a hour of code you can stick in the walls something related with programming. Then maybe you can did thingabout programming showing to the people how to used or how to do things,etc.

dilluns, 28 de novembre del 2016


Technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools, processing actions and extracting of  materials. Technology also an application to solve a problem.

Technology is helping us or it's solving our problems or covering our needs. For example:
  1. Off road wheelchair: This is the type of technology which is used to extend and improve human life. Some people can't move their extremities or any part of ther body, and this chair help to them to move, and is comfortable for them and the person that accompanies them. 
  2. Hand watch: This is a type of technology which is used to see the hour, in a certain moment. Some people buy this type of watch, becase vthey like the punctuality and if we need know thw hour, we can see, when we want.
  3. Hair iron: This is a type of technology which is used to have straight hair. A lot of girls have this in their house, because they want be beautiful and perfect.
  4. Computer: This is a type of technology which is used to search information or to comunicate with other people that is in an other country. A lot of people have it, because in the school the teachers ask to the students to did projects or did the homework with the computer; the adults, in their work, some of them did all htheir work with computer; and we can know whatever.
  5. Transport(cars,motorcyrcles...): This is a type of technology which is used to transport something or someone. The people needs something to move to on place to an other but with long distances, because they need went for worki, or tio know more places for the world, or went to study.
Here you will find the mind map of the technological process:


In the written project need appear:

1. A cover with a titlr, name and second name of the student, the group, subject and the curse.
2. Contens page
3. Analysis of the problem and initial conditions
4. Research of information
5. Possible solutions
6. Sketch 
7. Materials
8. Planning
9. Budget

I think that we need did the written project, when we need to present a project.

dimecres, 28 de setembre del 2016

Hello!!My name is Catalina Dalmau Vives and I was born on the 15 of july of 2003.

 I am a person that like a lot painting and I like so much technology appart of that I like play basketball. And a love the animals, but the exotic animals I hate it, for this reason I have one dog and a turtule.
I am a dangerous person, because sometimes I  risk my life, for example; after I jump over very big rocks with 1 meter of tall...

I have brown and short hair, my eyes are so beautifuls, because it has gotr different colours, like brown, green...,everyday or every week someone says that they like as lot my mouth and. that they want to have it. I'm a tall and thin.

In future I want be a very good person with a lot of soons and a handsome. A good house, a good work and have a lot of money, because I want to be the best interior designer, and a good mother and a good wife.

I want be a interior designer because, I like paint,and mix colors to see what remains better, for thius reason I need study the technology scientific.

I expect from technology classes that I am going to learn how to cut, paint, make, something that after I don't know how to do it, and learn more thing about how to use technological objects.

I think that there aren't a best technological object, because some of this objects are more or less the same and has the "same" utilities. Everyone wants allways the best phone, or the best computer, etc.,  because its better or is bigger but the thing is that all  has the same utilities but oneis more modern than the others.